What Member Management LLC Does for GM2
Every individual who joins GM2 as a member must agree to contribute from 6.0% (six percent) to 10.0% (ten percent) of whatever he/she bills to his/her firm(s)/broker(s) towards GM2's operating costs. This is how all members of GM2 collectively pay for the cost of insuring and operating under GM2. Much of the daily management operations for GM2 have been contracted to Member Management LLC (also known as "MM"). Because MM provides its services at a predictable fixed cost to GM2, thousands of individuals have freely decided to join GM2 as members since 2006.
Additionally, whenever members of GM2 are inactive for a few months throughout a year and/or vacation, they are required to contribute nothing towards GM2's operating costs but still own part of a viable company structure ready to function whenever they need it. MM's service allows GM2 to function cost-effectively and enables all members of GM2 to compete in today's marketplace generating higher profits. Below are just some of the services and that MM assists GM2 with.

Insurance Coverage for GM2
(General business requirement for GM2 to operate)
- 1 MM helps GM2 manage and cost-effectively provide workers compensation insurance coverage for each GM2 in states that allow for such coverage.
- 2 MM helps GM2 manage and cost-effectively provide $1,000,000 of general liability coverage for each member of GM2 while doing business under GM2.
- 3 MM helps GM2 manage and cost-effectively provide $1,000,000 of hired non-owned auto coverage for each GM2 while doing business under GM2.
Preparation of State and Federal Tax Filings for GM2
(General business requirement for GM2 to operate)
- 1 MM helps GM2 to file K-1 forms for each member of GM2 based on their draws from GM2 annually
- 2 MM helps GM2 to file GM2’s annual federal and state business tax returns
- 3 MM helps GM2 to file GM2’s annual LLC filing fees
- 4 MM helps GM2 to file GM2’s excise and franchise tax filings
Outsourced Treasury Operations for GM2
(General business requirement for GM2 to operate)
- 1 MM helps GM2 to prepare and submit invoicing from GM2 that is sent to each firm/broker doing business with Members of GM2
- 2 MM helps GM2 to processes all payments from firms/brokers doing business with Members of GM2
- 3 MM helps GM2 to collect and submit payments to firms/brokers from members of GM2 for accessing firms'/brokers' software systems
- 4 MM helps GM2 to submit individual payments from GM2’s primary operating account to individual bank accounts held by members of GM2
- 5 MM covers all costs for GM2's banking, ACH transfers, and same-day wire transfers
Scanning & Offsite Record Storage for GM2
(This protects members of GM2)
- 1 MM covers all costs for the scanning, backing up, and offsite storage of all GM2’s members' documents
How MM's Service Charge of 6.0% (six percent) to 10.0% (ten percent) is Determined
An individual who joins GM2 as a member must understand and agree without any objections that, as a member/partner of GM2, he/she is solely responsible for compensating Member Management LLC for its service charge, which can only be a percentage of whatever he/she bills to his/her firm(s)/broker(s), and that the rate is solely based on what he/she represents to Member Management LLC.
Under all circumstances and without exceptions, he/she is still solely liable for and agrees to always pay Member Management LLC the following rates based on what he/she performs as a member/partner of GM2 for any firm/broker.
Whenever he/she performs telephone insurance premium audits and/or surveys, he/she must understand that he/she will owe Member Management LLC, and he/she must agree to pay Member Management LLC a rate of 6.0% (six percent) for Member Management's service charge.
Whenever he/she performs physical insurance premium audits, he/she must understand that he/she will owe Member Management LLC. He/she must agree to pay Member Management LLC a rate of 6.0% (six percent) for Member Management's service charge.
Whenever he/she performs physical insurance inspections and/or surveys, he/she must understand that he/she will owe Member Management LLC. He/she must agree to pay Member Management LLC a rate of 10.0% (ten percent) for Member Management's service charge.
Whenever he/she performs a combination of (telephone insurance premium audits and/or surveys or physical insurance premium audits) and (physical insurance inspections and/or surveys), he/she must understand that he/she will owe Member Management LLC. He/she must agree to pay Member Management LLC a rate of 10.0% (ten percent) for Member Management's service charge.
Testimonies From Members
When asked, some have said that Member Management just coordinates payments/bank transfers, prepares tax filings, and sets up insurance coverage. However, Member Management does much more than that, and we would like you to hear firsthand from a few actual individuals, telling you what happens day to day at Member Management.

Linda A. Fournier
Linda A. Fournier has been kind enough to share her experience, and below is her understanding of what we offer.
March 1, 2010
When our nation’s legislatures are disputing points regarding medical insurance, the one medical benefit that is certain for me is protecting my work-related medical needs covered under GM2’s workers' compensation policy.
Last September 2009, while on the way to perform an audit, I was in a car accident that landed me in the hospital for ten days to start and left me wondering if I had enough coverage under my insurance to take care of the five months of recovery faced properly. I was also concerned about my future income for the next few months.
My car insurance agent questioned whether I had any workers' compensation coverage. I indicated that I did not think so, but I decided to call Member Management and check. I first spoke with Jennifer Entner, and shortly after, I received a call back from John Schober, CEO of Member Management. He confirmed that I was covered under GM2’s workers' compensation policy and reassured me that everything would be taken care of. He helped me contact Hartford and get my claim filed immediately. They were quick to respond with an initial interview and assigned me a claims representative named Jared. He managed and processed all of the bills submitted by my medical providers.
Additionally, he oversaw and coordinated the regular issuance of checks to me over the next many months. Those payments meant a lot and helped to make up for my loss of income. At the same time, I had a nurse case manager named Ms. Benoit, who monitored my recovery from start to finish and regularly communicated with the surgeon and my doctors. She made sure that my surgery, follow-ups, and therapy were handled properly. Additionally, John Schober followed up and made sure that all of my needs were being taken care of along the way.
I’ve been an independent field auditor since May of 2006 and have subcontracted my services to a couple of different companies and other than for my activity under GM2 / Member Management I was always paid via a 1099 and had no insurance coverage. I know now that had I been performing audits for those not affiliated with GM2 / Member Management that day, I would have faced a much different reality and had no coverage. I am glad to know that I am not alone when I operate under GM2 / Member Management and I am pleased to know that I have a team of resourceful and talented individuals ready to help me when serious problems like this arise.
I hope that you find this article both informative and are reassured that these insurance benefits exist for GM2 Members. I appreciate the value that GM2 / Member Management places on their Members. In today’s economy, when so many companies are either cutting back or eliminating benefits, we can truly appreciate the value GM2 / Member Management offers professionals such as myself.
- Linda A. Foernzler / Member of GM2

Matt Denny
Matt Denny has been kind enough to share his experience and below is his understanding of what we offer.
April 1, 2010
It was my last job before Christmas, it was December 23rd and I was looking forward to a week off. I had planned my schedule so that I could take my first week off since I started doing this work in April 2008. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans? The last thing I remember is coming down the ladder and everything going sideways. I found myself on the floor and in real pain. I overheard one paramedic speaking into the radio that I had some bone sticking out of my foot. I knew from doing casualty claims adjusting that that sort of injury meant two things – 1) surgery and 2) BIG hospital bills.
As I rode to the hospital, I could not figure out how to pay for my treatment – was I going to have to sell my house? Will my personal health insurance cover this? Do I have workers comp coverage? I couldn’t stay focused to put my thoughts together. I was 90 miles from home and family, laying on my back and facing prospects of surgery and a hospital stay.
That afternoon the doctor informed me that I had an open fracture of my right calcaneus and talus bones. I had surgery that night to close up the wound. A follow up surgery a month later repaired the fracture using pin, plates and screws.
As I left the hospital with my foot and ankle wrapped like a Holiday Season practical joke. I still did not know how any of the treatment was going to be paid and what I was going to do? Maybe I could stuff envelopes during recovery? Or do phone audits if possible. At least I could pay some bills doing that.
My questions would shortly be answered. It all started on the first business day after Christmas when I got a call from John Schober, CEO of Member Management who basically in one phone call, put my fears at ease about insurance coverage. GM2 Members, he advised, are covered under workers comp with The Hartford, a large and reputable company, and he detailed how things would proceed going forward. This included receiving disability payments to offset the loss of income. Everything he said was going to happen, did happen. There was never a question of my health and recovery coming first. That was a priority to John, his team and everyone I spoke with at The Hartford.
Throughout my recovery I had regular weekly and sometimes daily conversations with my claims representative, Lindsey Johnson and my Nurse Case Manager, Donna Queen, who answered questions I had about the various things my body was going through, side effects of the medicine and explanations in layman’s terms exactly what was going on. The folks at The Hartford made sure whatever I needed, I received in terms of care, supplies or medical equipment. Lindsey made sure that expense reimbursements were issued timely and that every two weeks I got a disability payment. There was never a phone call made looking for the check. Every other Monday, the check was in my mailbox.
Like many who do our work, we perform work or have worked as sub-contractors for other companies who do not provide the sort of protection provided by Member Management. If there was one fortunate thing on that dreadful December day, it was that I was doing work under GM2. Having worked in and around the insurance industry for over 20 years, I guess I had become a bit cynical. I never would have believed that in this day and age there exists a company, let alone a leader, who would reach down through the layers of their organization to someone in the field. Not only to help them, but to ensure that they were taken care of and received the best possible care available.
Presently, I am out of a cast and looking forward to being able to put weight on my foot by early April and hopefully working again by May or so. Looking back, I can say that for a catastrophic experience, it was one of the most uplifting business and insurance experiences I have ever had.
I wanted to share my story with you, my fellow members, as I know we tend to get wrapped up in the day to day grind of doing our work and simply travel from place to place to perform our work in order to hit our due dates. I know that when I get back to work, I will stick my chest out a little further and be a little prouder to be a representative Member of GM2, because I know I am not a faceless drone alone in the field, but someone who truly is valued for their efforts and is supported by a partnership that looks out for their members in their times of need.
- Matt Denny / Member of GM2